At Council Approval Group we specialise in a wide range of projects across residential and commercial sectors. Some of the commercial projects we work across include helping our clients to get approval for a change of use on a particular site or dwelling. This could be for either a gym or café and even a medical centre.
Unfortunately, a great idea for a business and a loyal client following, aren’t the only things you need when setting up a business. The local government area (LGA) in which the site is situated, together with Zoning will play a big part in what clients can operate on a particular site.
This particular case study looks at a medical centre. With more than 100 health care projects under our belt, we were able to advise our client on the planning laws surrounding their intended medical centre in Lidcombe, Sydney.
We needed to take into account numerous constraints including the residential zoning of the site, the need for adequate parking and ensuring there were allowances made for the removal of surgical waste.
Without an experienced town planner to navigate this project, delays would have been incurred and an approval for a much-needed service for the community would have been delayed.
A full assessment on the site, area and surrounding dwellings was undertaken. This enabled our town planner to fully understand
the constraints in place and pre-empt any obstacles moving forward.
Our in-house Architect and design team then curated a modern complex with ample consulting rooms for a growing practice. The
design included generous parking allowances to accommodate patients, whilst being sympathetic to the areas residential topography.
For Council Approval Group it is incredibly rewarding to see the impact that receiving council approval can have in contributing to a thriving medical practice and its surrounding local community.