Can Granny Flats Be Exempt Development?

Do you want to know can granny flats be exempt development? Is approval really necessary?

In this video, Colin Fragar, our founder and CEO, answers this question and gives a recommendation for anyone wanting to put a granny flat on their property.

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Granny flats, can they be exempt development? My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group.

If you’re looking at building a granny flat, it’s really important to get the right advice. Is it exempt development? Is it complying development? Can you have a certifier? Or does it need council approval? All these sort of questions we answer every single day of the week.
If you’re looking at building a granny flat, it’s really important to get the right advice.

Can a Granny Flat Be Exempt Development?

What I recommend is that you book in for a free consultation to speak to one of our team about what you have in mind. What is the short answer, though, to the question is it exempt development? The answer is no. Some sort of approval is needed for a granny flat in Australia.

Take the Next Steps

Please talk to us and if you haven’t already, grab a copy of Your Ultimate Guide to Council Approval, which will help you to step by step through the process. Or if you do have a project in mind, please book in for a consultation to speak to one of our team.

My name is Colin Fragar. I wish you every success and I look forward to talking with you soon.

Article Last Updated: 28 June 2024