Can I Get Approval for a Secondary Dwelling in the Northern Beaches?

Are you wondering how to get approval for a secondary dwelling in the Northern Beaches Council area?

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What do I need to do to get approval in the Northern Beaches council area? My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group. I love the Northern Beaches and I’m actually recording right here in the Northern Beaches.

Developing in Northern Beaches

We have done dozens of these for our clients. Northern Beaches is obviously a beautiful place to live and so there’s significant demand for the secondary dwellings. However, what you need to appreciate is that the approval process is not necessarily very easy. The Northern Beaches Council is, it’s no secret that they are probably, I would say anti development, they’re not a pro development council. Therefore, the scrutiny that you will get for secondary dwelling, whether it’s with council or through a certifier will be higher than in other areas. But that doesn’t make it not worth the journey, because the premium rent that you’ll be able to attract for the secondary dwellings in the Northern Beaches council area is significant.
…the scrutiny that you will get for secondary dwelling, whether it’s with council or through a certifier will be higher than in other areas. But that doesn’t make it not worth the journey…

Free Resources For You

So what I recommend that you do is a couple of things. The first is to grab Your Ultimate Guide to Council Approval. We put together this special guide and I’d love to pop one in the post for you because I know it’ll make a difference in your life. I know that it will help you to formulate your project and to help you with that research stage, if you’re at that.

However, if you are ready to start moving into a project, you have a property in mind and you’re imagining what you could charge rent for a secondary dwelling on your property, or maybe you’re looking at buying one and adding a secondary dwelling I have a different recommendation. If you would like to have that sort of a conversation, then please book in for a free 30 minute consultation with our team. They’ll give you a call at the appointed time and to unpack what your ambitions are, what your dreams are, and also help you to understand what challenges you’re facing, and answer what questions you have. Based on that then partway through the conversation we’ll draw out for you a clear roadmap going forward. So then you’ll have a recommended and logical next step for you and your project.

So I do wish you all the best as you prepare for the secondary dwelling in the Northern Beaches council area. My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group and look forward to talking to you soon.

Article Last Updated: 28 June 2024