Can I Get Approval for a Studio Granny Flat?

Do you want to know if you can get approval for a studio granny flat? Colin Fragar shares insight and resources for granny flat approval.

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So you might have plans for granny flat studio and you’re wondering how you’re going to get that approved. Is it going to get approved by the council? My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group.

Find the Experts in Granny Flats

We hire a lot of ex-local government staff and so our staff are very experienced at looking at these granny flat studios and knowing the ins and outs. Is it going to be looked at favourably by the assessing officer or is it going to be rejected? And what’s important for you is to get the right advice first.
We hire a lot of ex-local government staff and so our staff are very experienced at looking at these granny flat studios…
Now I’ve personally have done one of these where it is a very small granny flat. It’s not the typical larger one. It is a granny flat studio. So I’d like to share some of that wisdom and also the benefit of hindsight of lots of other investors that have gone before you by giving you a copy of this very special publication we’ve put together called Your Ultimate Guide to Council Approval. So we can pop that one in the post for you if you would like.

Get a Free Consultation

But really if you have a project you want to problem-solve and you want to really work out your options, or maybe there’s something better we can achieve for you than just a granny flat studio, then please book in a consultation. In that consultation, we will listen to what you want to achieve and recommend the first step for you. So if you go to our bookings page and book an appointment time that suits you, that would be your next step. Hopefully, that’s helpful and we look forward to talking to you soon

Article Last Updated: 28 June 2024