Can You Build a Granny Flat with a Loft?

Do you want to know if you can build a granny flat with a loft? This video provides resources and advice for achieving approval.

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So can you build a granny flat with a loft? My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group. And I’d love to share with you some thoughts today on that question.

So if you’re thinking about designing your granny flat, you’re obviously thinking about something that’s probably close to your heart and something you want to get right. And it’s really important that you get the right advice early on in the process. So we’ve done thousands of these. Personally, I’ve done quite a number of them and I love them.

Grab Your Guide to Council Approval

So a granny flat, particularly with a loft is something that’s really important to get right. So what I recommend you do, if you don’t have it already, is to grab Your Ultimate Guide to Council Approval. This magazine is produced for people like yourself that are in this phase of the development process.
…it’s really important that you get the right advice early on in the process.

Free Consultation for a Granny Flat with a Loft

However, I can see that you probably want something more than that. In that case, you want to have a one-on-one consultation. So if you would like to claim your free consultation with us, please book in for an appointment. Now what we will do is help you to establish the next step for your project and a clear roadmap going forward. We do offer design services so we can design this granny flat with the loft. We have town planning services to work out whether or not you can get approval for it. So we look forward to talking to you then.

My name is Colin Fragar and I wish you every success.

Article Last Updated: 28 June 2024