How Do I Get Approval for a CDC Secondary Dwelling?

Are you wondering how to get approval for a CDC secondary dwelling? Have you heard CDC or Complying Development Certificate approvals are easier?

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So how do I get approval for a CDC secondary dwelling? What are some of the things you need to understand around CDCs for secondary dwelling and our best advice for you at this stage? My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group.

Now, if you’ve got to this point and you’re actually looking at a CDC secondary dwelling it shows you’re quite discerning. You know what you’re talking about and you’ve probably heard a few phrases around the industry. I’d like to acknowledge that and probably move away from the basics, which I’ve covered in other videos, and go into probably a little bit more depth and some of the more sophisticated side of things.

Benefits of a CDC Secondary Dwelling

So a CDC, which is the Complying Development Certificate is done by a certifier. Now, why would you want to choose to do that? Well, some of the reasons which are often talked about is a quicker approval process and it’s sometimes easier. But I also want to flip that around and challenge some of that thinking. Because what we have found, having done a lot of these, and I’m talking thousands, is that the CDC process is not all it’s cracked up to be.
Because what we have found, having done a lot of these, and I’m talking thousands, is that the CDC process is not all it’s cracked up to be.
It’s usually a better outcome going through the council approval process. You still end up with a secondary dwelling. It just means that we need to go through council instead of a certifier.

Advantages of a Development Application

Now there are some advantages to that. One of the advantages is that if you go through Council, there’s sometimes room for departures. There’s zero room for departures with a CDC secondary dwelling. With that, you just can’t bend the rules. The application process through Council often is talked about as a slow process. But really, if you have the right system and the right experts like ourselves behind you, there’s not really too much difference. And if you were to spend an extra month or two months in getting the right approvals in place, which would you rather – a quicker bad approval or an extra one or two months to get the right approval for you and your family?

Free Resources For You

I would encourage you, if you haven’t already, to grab a copy of Your Ultimate Guide to Council Approval. So you can get that, have that on your coffee table, and flip through it with your loved ones. Think about what you want to do with your CDC secondary dwelling or do you want to do something else.

Also, I would highly recommend that you speak to one of the experts being the Council Approval Group. And so we would love to be able to offer you a 30-minute consult for you to be able to book in at an appointed time and we’ll go through your project, your property, and what you want to achieve. Maybe there’s something even better that we can come up with that we haven’t even talked about today.

My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group. Thanks for watching.

Article Last Updated: 28 June 2024