What if every time we help someone with their property,
Our passion to make an impact drives our continued giving, so every time a new client books a free consult with us we house a person at risk for a day somewhere in the world..
By working with us, you become part of this positive contribution to the world!

Housing vulnerable families in the Philippines, educating women in South Sudan and providing rainwater tanks for school children in Africa, are just some of the initiatives we have been able to support recently through our affiliation with B1G1 – Business for Good and we continue to seek opportunities to create lasting change for communities both across the globe and at home.
Hover over the map icons to find out more about each giving impact:
We believe that making a positive impact on the world around us is a measure of our business success.
First established in the aftermath of the Boxing Day Tsunami, Hands Across the Water is dedicated to enriching the lives of disadvantaged children and communities across Thailand.
Our Co-Founders, Colin and Loren Fragar, had the privilege of joining the Hands Across The Water 500km Bike Ride marking the 10th anniversary of the devastating event, personally raising $10,000 for the cause.
Having the ability to contribute towards someone else’s happiness puts life into perspective