As Seen In

Vision and Passion for planning awarded
New Planner
Our Principal consultant, Max Fragar, was awarded Life Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia and was recognised as having made a significant contribution to urban and regional planning in Australia.
The article comments that Max demonstrated distinguished service to the planning profession and notes that this award signifies the highest honour the Institute can bestow on its members. Max’s advice to planners “is to have a vision, be confident and make it happen.”

Blue Mountains Gazette
The Blue Mountains Gazette referred to Max Fragar as the ‘veteran planner’, being recognised for his many years of dedication and service in town planning.
The article remarks that Max became only the 14th planner to be awarded Life Fellow of the Planning Institute in NSW at the 2011 Awards for Excellence In Planning. He says, “being a Life Fellow is something I will value highly for the rest of my career, which I hope will last another 20 years”.
Secret of Property Millionaires Exposed
After having co-authored the first two editions of Secrets of Property Millionairs Exposed, our Co-Founder Colin Fragar, now features in this third edition of the book alongside 11 of Australia’s most experienced property experts.
In this book you’ll learn:
- The pros and cons of various property strategies and which is better
- How to make money when the market is going up, down or sideways
- What are the essential qualities of highly successful property Investors
- The best way to turn negatively geared properties into positive cashflow
- Proven negotiation techniques that’ll help you buy below market value
- How to structure your property portfolio to lower risk and reduce tax
- The expert tips on future hot spots and where the market is going next
Discover the strategies behind 12 of Australia’s most successful property investors including Council Approval Group CEO, Colin Fragar.

Mars City Design Awards
Council Approval Group’s Senior Architect, Gluseppe Calabrese, was awarded first prize in the International MArs City Design Urban Farming Challenge 2020.
With supprot by NASA, the competition goal was to establish how to support human life on Mars for more than two years through sustainable produce farming. Gluseppe’s winning concept outlined how spacecraft will send robotic self-building farms to Mars 12-months prior to the first human landing.
Using Artificial Intelligence and 3D printing, these building , pre-loaded with seeds would be assembled autonomously and begin growing enough fruits and vegetables to sustain nine Astronauts for up to two years.

Subdivide & Double The Value of Your Property
Domain spoke to our Co-Founder, Max Frager, about untapping the development potential of under utilized property. In the article, Max is quoted in saying “Dual occupancy is a very worthwhile from of development, and further subdividing the property into two lots that can be sold separately is the key to unlocking the maximum value of a property.”
Furthermore, “If the opportunity of a dual occupancy subdivision is possible on your property, as we’ve seem in cases with many of our clients, we can confidently say that the property would must likely double in value.”
The Block 2021
Domain spoke to Council Approval Group Town Planner, Ken Gerschler about utilising basements in new builds. The Block 2021 featured the use of basements as an extra living space for families.
Basements are widely used across Europe, US and the UK however are quite rare here in Australia.
Our Town Planner, American born Ken Gerschler, explains the use of basements in America:
“Historically, the basement was where the summer garden crop could be canned and sustain a family through winter,” he says. “You could also store firewood and coal and keep it dry, and you could use the basement as a safe haven during a tornado and extreme weather events. Post-World War II there was a bomb shelter craze – my own grandparents in California had one.”
One thing we know is that as we spend more time at home, Australians are looking to utilise extra living spaces, and basements certainly provide the opportunity for that.