Is There a Limit for Secondary Dwelling Size?

Are you looking for information on secondary dwelling size limits? What is the limit and is it the same for all properties?

To learn more about secondary dwelling size limits, click on the “Play” button below to watch now:

Or for those that prefer to read, here is a transcript of the video… So one question I get asked a lot is, is there a limit on secondary dwelling sizes? My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group.

So if you’re thinking about the size of your secondary dwelling, there’s important considerations here because an extra 10 square meters can literally mean an extra bedroom. If you go for a smaller secondary dwelling size, then you may limit the potential of that property. And I just want to show you here a few examples of what we can do.

Secondary Dwelling Size Limit Rules

So the answer, before I show those those examples, is yes. There is generally a rule of thumb of 60 square metres for a secondary dwelling size, but it does also depend on the jurisdiction. However, I say that with a strong however, a lot of people don’t know that you can actually go more than 60 square meters depending on the local government area that you’re in.

How to Get More Floor Area

So the way that they do it is that in certain jurisdictions is to limit secondary dwellings to a percentage of the size of the principal dwelling. So sometimes you can get more than 60 square meters depending on what their local government area rules are. So I have seen secondary dwellings, 80 square meters, 90 square meters. If you get us to look at this, and please make sure you book in for your consultation, we can find out if this is an option for you. So that is a pro tip that I’m sharing with you today.

Reasons to Go Smaller

I also wanted to show you a personal story, if I have your permission to be able to do that. So this is, I’m happy to say is a little property that my wife and I did this is a house, which is on this side of the city where the garage is that’s the house that’s the primary residence, the principal residence and then if you go behind where I’m standing, that’s the corridor which takes you out to the back. That’s where the living areas are downstairs. It’s got the bedrooms for the principal dwelling. The secondary dwelling is over on the left hand side and it is 40 square metres.

Now you might think well, why would I want a 40 square metre secondary dwelling size. We actually were able to tuck this in under the roof form. We could have gone slightly larger and gone for 60 square meter granny flat. But we did our calculations, we worked out the end game, we worked out what would be the rental return on this and we realized we could build something under the built roof form for about half the cost than if it was a standalone secondary dwelling.
So if you’re thinking about the size of your secondary dwelling, there’s important considerations here because an extra 10 square meters can literally mean an extra bedroom. If you go for a smaller secondary dwelling size, then you may limit the potential of that property.

Free Resources For You

So what I’m saying is, if you want to really explore this in more depth, if you want to get some pro tips and inspiration from thousands of projects, 25 years experience, please grab a copy of Your Ultimate Guide to Council Approval available on our website. And I highly recommend that to you. We’ll pop it on in the post for you. But as well as that, if you do have a project, you’re really starting to formulate ideas, and you want somebody able to walk with you, equip you, and hopefully to be able to take it off you and handle it so you can get back to doing what you love, please contact us. We would love to be able to do that for you.

Book in a no obligation 30-minute consultation. What that involves is that you book in for a time on our website. Then we call you at the scheduled time slot. During the call we unpack some of the challenges that you’re facing and really to create a clear roadmap for you going forward so you can move forward with clarity and confidence. My name is Colin Fragar. Thanks for watching, and I wish you all the best with your secondary dwelling.

Article Last Updated: 28 June 2024