Image courtesy of Aenima Pty. Ltd based on concept by Council Approval Group's Architect
Life on Mars a reality

Image courtesy of Aenima Pty. Ltd based on concept by Council Approval Group's Architect
Council Approval Group is excited to announce that our Senior Architect, Giuseppe Calabrese, has been awarded first prize in the Mars City Design Urban Farming Challenge 2020.
With support by NASA, the competition goal was to establish how to support human life on Mars for more than two years through sustainable produce farming.
Giuseppe’s winning concept outlined how spacecraft will send robotic self-building farms to Mars 12-months prior to the first human landing.
Using Artificial Intelligence and 3D printing, these buildings, pre-loaded with seeds, would be assembled autonomously and begin growing enough fruits and vegetables to sustain nine Astronauts for up to two years.
Town Planning & Architecture is planning for the future. It needs to be visionary… A vision for the future of our cities, a vision for the future of our country, a vision for the future of our people.
– Max Fragar, Co-Founder Council Approval Group

Image courtesy of Aenima Pty. Ltd based on concept by Council Approval Group's Architect

Image courtesy of Aenima Pty. Ltd based on concept by Council Approval Group's Architect
Mars City Design Competition founder, Vera Mulyani, said she was very impressed with the Australian submission. Sighting the designs were not only visually appealing but every detail was backed-up with hundreds of pages of research and scientific data.
“Our next step is to secure funding, so we can build a prototype of the winning designs which include Calabrese’s proposal, in the Californian desert,” says Vera Mulyani.
The design was done in conjunction with sophisticated software called SIMOC, a scalable, interactive model of an off-world community created by National Geographic. The model is founded on published data derived from life support and closed ecosystem research at NASA and universities worldwide.
With NASA’s latest high-tech rover reaching Mars in February 2021 and Musk considering an uncrewed mission to the red planet as early as the 2024 transfer window, these Australian designed smart farms have come at the perfect time.
Additional Resources
Photos and additional resources to help in creating a story for your publication are available for download below.
Giuseppe Calabrese is also available for interviews & comments.
Should you wish to make further enquiries, please contact t.dallimore[@]councilapproval.com.au