What Kind of Granny Flat Extensions Can Be Approved?

Are you wondering what kind of granny flat extensions can be approved? Maybe you are looking for ideas.

In this video, Colin Fragar, our founder and CEO, gives advice on granny flat extensions.

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What sort of granny flat extensions can be approved? My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group.

Considerations to Granny Flat Extensions

So presuming you have a granny flat that already has an approved use, it’s already approved as a granny flat, then we can start talking about extending it. Can we extend it out? Can we extend it up? What are the different things that we can do in terms of car accommodation? There’s a lot of important things for us to work around here, in particular the local council rules. Those rules will largely determine what you can do.

Some people ask if they should just go talk to Council, but I would actually recommend that you talk to a town planning consultant like ourselves.
A consultant will tell you what you can do. A council will tell you what you can’t do.

Take the Next Steps

So we’d love to be able to help you as you gather your ideas for your extension for your granny flat. And maybe there’s even something even better we can do for you. We can change the use to something else that might allow you, for example, to subdivide it off.

If you want to book in for a consultation, please do so. But make sure at the very least you grab Your Ultimate Guide to Council Approval which we will send out to you. It’s something very special for you.

My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group.

Article Last Updated: 28 June 2024