What You Need to Know About Your Granny Flat in Blacktown

Do you know everything you need to know about a granny flat in Blacktown? In this video, Colin Fragar, our founder and CEO, shares what you need to know about granny flats in Western Sydney.

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So what you need to know about your granny flat in Blacktown. My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group.

So Western Sydney is just happening with the Western Sydney Airport under construction. I’m really excited about what’s happening in this area and it’s important for you to be able to get the right advice early on.

Why a granny flat in Blacktown and Western Sydney

You can capitalize on the massive growth that’s happening. The extra hundreds of thousands of people that are going to be living in Blacktown and Western Sydney. They’re going to need accommodation. And we want to make sure that you not only provide the accommodation for people, but to help you to maximize your rental return or to facilitate maybe a growing family that you need extra room for.
You can capitalize on the massive growth that’s happening.
So if you haven’t already, please grab Your Ultimate Guide to Council Approval. It’s a magazine that we’ve put together with a bunch of tips and tricks, which you will enjoy and are particularly relevant to granny flats in Blacktown and Western Sydney.

Free Consultation

So also, if you do have a project in mind, and you’re thinking it’s time to make a decision, get off the fence, and get a granny flat on a property you own or plan to purchase, allow us to have a look at it for you. We have done thousands of these in the past. We’re expert at finding:
  • 1) Is it the best path to approval? What’s the quickest way?
  • 2) Can you get approval?
  • 3) Can you find a better development type that we can do on your property that may even maximize your return even further?
Please give us a call and book in for a consultation to speak to one of our team if you would like to claim that free consult. What that involves is us understanding your needs and then us being able to recommend a clear path forward for you. Usually, we recommend what we call a preliminary planning assessment.

My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group. Thanks for watching and I wish you every success.

Article Last Updated: 28 June 2024