Where Can I Find a Secondary Dwelling Checklist?

Are you looking for some sort of a checklist to help you build a secondary dwelling on your property? You might be thinking doing it on your own will be more cost-effective.

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So you’re looking to build a secondary dwelling and you’re looking for some sort of a checklist to help you through that process. My name is Colin Fragar from Council Approval Group.

Secondary Dwelling Checklist

So a secondary dwelling checklist is something which we would love to offer you. And that is contained within Your Ultimate Guide to Council Approval. Now it may not be a step-by-step checklist, but what it does do is it pulls out some of the key things that you need to understand and puts them into a logical sequence. It provides some of the things that you need to follow step-by-step in order to get this secondary dwelling approved and built and into the hands of your family or into the hands of a renter who will rent from you.

Recommendations for Achieving Approval

So I highly recommend that you get the right advice on this because it’s not necessarily something you navigate by yourself. A secondary dwelling, if you pull it off, can be the difference between financial security and no financial security. And often I see people trying to navigate the process by themselves or they try to use just a builder who doesn’t understand the council approval process. You really want to go to the professionals that understand these laws back to front.
You really want to go to the professionals that understand these laws back to front.

Talk to the Experts

So I would love to offer you a 30-minute consultation with one of our team to go through your project. You will talk about what you want to achieve, what challenges you’re facing, and what questions you have. And then what we’ll be able to do is to present to you a clear roadmap going forward. If you’d like to book in for one a consult, please do so and we’ll give you a call at the appointed time.

So my name is Colin Fragar and I wish you every success with your secondary dwelling.

Article Last Updated: 28 June 2024