What You Need to Know About Boarding House Regulations

Boarding houses have changed over the years and now are becoming more popular with young professionals but boarding house regulations are complex.

Max Fragar, our founder, Life Fellow PIA and Registered Planner, discusses what makes boarding house regulations so difficult.

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What Do I Need to Know About Boarding House Regulations?

My Name is Max Fragar of the Council Approval Group. It’s a simple question, but a complex answer.
The regulations are embodied in a range of legislation. The parent legislation is the state policy for affordable housing. And that is across the state,but it can vary from zone to zone, area to area if it is a bushfire or if it’s not.
Then councils have their own standards. Sometimes they pick up the state policy, but quite often they have their own. There are also national regulations, national regulation standards of construction and fire separation between dwellings. If you burn the chips on the stove, then it shouldn’t too quickly burn through to the next dwelling and all that sort of thing. So there’s a range of regulations. They’re quite complex.

Work with the Experts

We’ve got a range of our experts now that are over the top of it. What we need to do is to look at your site, or maybe help you find a site, and then marry those regulations to that site. We would ask do we think we can come up with 12 room boarding house with individual, self-contained suites.

If you’d like to go ahead, it’s a very good thing. It’s a great thing for doctors, nurses, constables, and teachers. All those lovely people who just want nice accommodation, close to work, close to services, and close to transport.

So if you’d like to do that, just go to a website and book a consultation or give us a call. There’s no charge for the consultation. We’d like to help you at least with the first stage and then take it all the way for you if that’s the way it works out. All the best.