How can I open a boarding house?

Boarding house development almost always requires a development application. We have a proven process to determine if you can open a boarding house and, if you can, we can take you through the development application process.

Max Fragar, our founder, Life Fellow PIA and Registered Planner, discusses how to know if you can open a boarding house.

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Can I open a boarding house?

G’day, I’m Max Fragar, Council Approval Group.
How can I open a Boarding House? That’s a pretty simple question. The answer is a little bit too complicated but, basically, you need to start with – Is it allowed in the zone?
To answer that question we need to do one of our preliminary assessments, but first, you would book a consultation. After the consultation, the next step would be to do a preliminary assessment. The purpose of the preliminary assessment is to make sure everything is right to do a boarding house. We look at things like where you want to do it, the type of building, the suburb, and the zone. So you start with that.

How do I get approval?

It’s most unlikely that you can do a boarding house without a council development approval. So we will help you through that. Following the consultation and the preliminary assessment, if we can agree boarding house development on your property will be a good project, the project planner, an experience local government planner, will follow the project through with you.

The planner will make sure the proposal is to your liking. We make sure the design is done with you because it’s your project. Our architectural practice can draw the plan with you. But, in the end, it must comply with the State and the Council regulations. After your application has been submitted to Council we assist with the process of getting it approved.

In the end, what you’ve got is a fabulous facility that I think you’ll get satisfaction from. It will be a place where quality people have a great place to live close to services, close to where they live, and close to where they work.

We’d love to do it with you. Just book a consultation if you’d like to go further and we’d be happy to take it step-by-step.