Dual Occupancy Requirements, Rules and Regulations

There are many requirements, rules and regulations that must be considered when developing a dual occupancy.

Colin Fragar, our founder and CEO, provides an overview of the types of dual occupancy requirements, rules and regulations to look out for.

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So what are the rules and regulations of a dual occupancy? The bigger question you’re probably wondering is can I get a dual occupancy on my property or one that I’m looking to buy.

My name is Colin Fragar from the Council Approval Group. The reason I’m holding up this book is actually I’ve got a whole chapter on dual occupancy in this book Secrets of Property Millionaires Exposed. And if you have a look at that, there is a section in there where I go through some of the rules and regulations for getting council approval for dual occupancy. Maybe I can just summarize those for you.

Dual Occupancy Rules and Regulations

So the first one is are you in the right zone to be able to do a dual occupancy. The good news is that in most residential areas you can have a dual occupancy.

The next question is will you meet the minimum lot size, the minimum lot width and questions around that or something similar in terms of the planning definitions? If you don’t meet those minimum lot sizes and minimum lot widths, often a good town planner can pull it off for you with a departure. We have literally done hundreds of these for our clients.

So if one was to go to an architectural draftsman or project home builder, they won’t be looking at some of these loopholes that we can jump through for you.
I can remember a personal story of mine, I was standing in council chambers requesting for a, I think, 15% departure on the minimum lot size for dual occupancy. It was going to get refused by Council but was overruled at the meeting and we got approval. The joy that brought and the literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of value-added to our client’s portfolio was amazing.

Other Requirements to Consider

Some of the other things which you will want us to have a look at when you book in for your consultation are:
  • What are the state rules?
  • Are there any ways that we can shortcut the process and make it quicker and easier for you? We’ll certainly look at that.
  • How will privacy be preserved?
  • What is the highest and best use? Maybe we can get a dual occupancy subdivision for you.
  • Are there any significant environmental constraints that we need to workaround?
  • What about car parking and things like that floor area restrictions?
So this goes on, you probably don’t want to know too much detail other than just to leave it to us.

Book in a Consultation

Let the Council Approval Group effectively work out:
  1. If you can get approval
  2. What are your chances of approval, and
  3. What your next step is.
I honestly believe that a dual occupancy is the best property investment strategy. We do all types, but this is my personal favourite. I encourage you to go ahead, book in a consultation with one of our team and we’ll talk to you then.