Your Expert Town Planner in Sydney

Navigating the intricate process of obtaining development approval in Sydney can be a complex task. This is where the expertise of a professional town planner in Sydney becomes invaluable.

At Council Approval Group, we specialise in guiding you through the development approval process, making your vision a reality. See a full list of our projects here.

Understanding the Role of a Town Planner in Sydney’s Development Approval Process

The development approval process in Sydney involves a series of steps that must be meticulously followed to ensure compliance with local regulations and planning controls. This is where a town planner can make a significant difference. From preparing a development application to liaising with the council, every step requires a deep understanding of Sydney’s planning landscape.

With over 50 years of experience, the team of town planners at Council Approval Group in Sydney is well-versed in the nuances of the city’s planning regulations. We work closely with you to streamline the approval process, ensuring your development proposal meets all necessary requirements.

Our Services as Town Planners in Sydney

As your town planner in Sydney, Council Approval Group offers a comprehensive range of services designed to simplify the development approval process:
  • Development Applications and Modifications: We assist you in preparing and submitting development applications and modifications, ensuring they meet all regulatory requirements.
  • Town Planning Advice: Our team of town planners in Sydney provides expert advice, helping you navigate the complexities of Sydney’s planning regulations and processes.
  • Liaising with Council: We act as your representative, liaising with the council on your behalf to address any issues or concerns that may arise during the approval process.
  • Heritage Consultation: We provide specialist advice on proposals involving heritage items or buildings within heritage conservation areas, ensuring your development respects Sydney’s rich history.

Why Choose Council Approval Group as Your Town Planner in Sydney

Choosing Council Approval Group as your town planner comes with several advantages:
  • Extensive Experience: With over 50 years of experience, our team of town planners in Sydney has a proven track record in managing development approval processes.
  • Local Knowledge: Our deep understanding of Sydney’s planning regulations and council expectations sets us apart.
  • Client-Centric Approach: We prioritise your needs, working closely with you to ensure your development proposal aligns with your vision while meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Comprehensive Services: From preparing development applications to liaising with the council, we offer a full suite of services to streamline the approval process.

Achieving development approval in Sydney doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right town planner by your side, you can navigate the process with confidence. At Council Approval Group, we’re committed to making your development vision a reality. Contact us today to learn more about how we, as your town planner in Sydney, can assist with your development approval needs.